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Documenting Art
Works for the Museums, Artists, Curators, Art galleries, Art spaces.
Arter’in Saat Kaç ? sergisi kapsamında Sarkis'in Çaylak Sokak’ı.
Küratör: Emre Baykal.
Ä°stanbul Modern’in düzenlediÄŸi Ä°nci Eviner Retrospektifi sergisi.
Küratör: Levent ÇalıkoÄŸlu Asistan Küratör: Senem R. Kantarcı
LARGE GLASS The readymade is like a “quotation”. It is a new sentence that has departed from its original context. Through this act of translocation, it has abandoned its former meaning. The object and the sentence have been translocated both spatially and temporally. The web of personal choices, decisions, propositions and connections, which were deemed most important by Duchamp in the exploration of the artistic condition, determines the potentiality of an action as a work of art. Any object of everyday life is a quotation borrowed from real life. Through detachment from its original context and placement within another, it becomes a work of art that is not made but all the same authored by the artist.
YanköÅŸe, contemporary art project opens up a space of expression for artists who produce unexpected, experimental contemporary artworks. YanköÅŸe aims to host the works of two different artists every year, and is among the few public art projects in Turkey.
A Halo of Blackness Upon Our Heads brings together works Ahmet DoÄŸu Ä°pek has produced with various mediums between 2020–2022 in the context of this exhibition.
Published in the context of Ahmet DoÄŸu Ä°pek’s solo exhibition which brings together works that the artist has created with various mediums between 2020–2022, the book titled A Halo of Blackness Upon Our Heads features a text written by the exhibition’s curator Selen Ansen, as well as commissioned essays by Cana Bostan, Gökçen Erkılıç and Nevzat Sayın which explore Ä°pek’s works stemming from natural phenomena through the lens of reflections proposed by the exhibition.
Curated by Selen Ansen
Edited by: Selen Ansen and Süreyyya Evren
Design: Ali Emre Doğramacı
Cevdet Erek’s solo exhibition Bergama Stereotip consists of a sounding architecture conceived for the gallery space at Arter.
The book accompanying the exhibition features an essay by Colin Lang focusing on Bergama Stereo and Selen Ansen’s curatorial text on the exhibition at Arter.
Curated by Selen Ansen
Edited by: Selen Ansen, Süreyyya Evren
Design: Vahit Tuna
Canan Tolon’un Hasar (1988–2010) isimli yapıtına derinlemesine bir bakış.
Yazar: Erdem Ceylan
Kitap Tasarımı: Esen Karol
Beyazımtırak, AyÅŸe Erkmen’in Arter’in yeni binasında açılan ve sanatçının Türkiye’deki ilk kurumsal solo sergisi.
Yayıma Hazırlayanlar: Süreyyya Evren, Sena Danışman
Kitap Tasarımı: Vahit Tuna
Türkiye’de çaÄŸdaÅŸ sanatın öncülerinden Füsun Onur’un Arter Koleksiyonu’nda yer alan
Opus II – Fantasia adlı yerleÅŸtirmesi.
Küratör: Emre Baykal
Alev Ebüzziya Siesbye’nin Tekerrür baÅŸlıklı kiÅŸisel sergisi, sanatçının 2019’da bu sergi için ürettiÄŸi yüksek piÅŸirimli seramik çanaklardan oluÅŸuyor.
Küratör: Eda Berkmen
Emre Hüner’in [ELEKTROÄ°ZOLASYON]: Bilinmeyen Parametre Kayıt-Dışı baÅŸlıklı kiÅŸisel sergisi.
Küratör: Aslı Seven
Yayıma Hazırlayanlar: Aslı Seven ve Süreyyya Evren
Kitap Tasarımı: Vahit Tuna
Sanatçı, sanat kurumu, sanat eseri ve izleyici arasındaki iliÅŸkiler etrafında kurgulanan Tedbir, Arter Koleksiyonu’ndan bir araya getirilen yapıtlar yoluyla sanatın üretim, muhafaza ve sergileme pratiklerine odaklanıyor.
Küratör: Emre Baykal
Locus Solus, merkezine aldığı “doÄŸa” fikrini olgular, kurgular ve duygular perspektifinden irdelemeyi amaçlıyor.
Küratör: Selen Ansen
Arter Koleksiyonu’ndan oluÅŸturulan Gökcisimleri Üzerine sergisi, yaÅŸamsal bir biraradalık düzleminin bugün yeniden düÅŸünülebilir ve inÅŸa edilebilir olmasına dair sorularla ilgileniyor.
Küratör: Kevser Güler
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